Update Update Update!!!



I am such a horrible blogger, I see that it’s been close to 3 months since I posted an update.  I figured it was probably about time that I did one.  Since my last blog post, we’ve had 2 more appointments.  One with an Urologist for Zac’s sperm issues and our 2nd with the Reproductive Endocrinologist.  I’m going to do this blog in sorta 2 parts, going over each appointment individually.

Appointment #1 – Urology – Dr Gilbaugh, Wichita Urology 

When we first met with our RE, she immediately wanted Zac to meet with an Urologist to have another semen analysis done and to go over anything that could be possibly causing the results to come back low.  So, after a nearly 2 month wait, we finally got our appointment with the doctor.  He started out with having Zac do another SA, and let me tell ya, he’s becoming such a pro at this, lol.   Our first impression of Dr Gilbaugh was such a good one, he made us feel so comfortable and let me tell you, when you’re dealing with a doctor that’s about to get extremely up close and personal with your private area…well, you need to be comfortable with him!  He went over Zac’s analysis first thing, count was at 14.4 million, up by about 4 million from the last analysis.  Volume was still low at 1.6, motility was at 31% and morphology was as 60%.

While we’re glad that his count is going up, the doctor is concerned with the volume being low.  He was able to rule out it being hormone related as Zac’s levels all came back in a good range.  Next the doctor wanted to check to see if issue was being caused by Varicoceles, which are:  abnormally dilated testicular veins (pampiniform plexus) in the scrotum.  (Feel free to read more about this issue at: http://www.urologyhealth.org/urology/index.cfm?article=116&display=1 ).  After a very thorough examination, the doctor was able to determine that Zac is not dealing with this.

So, where does that leave us?   Dr Gilbaugh went on to explain that sometimes when the results come back with consistently low #’s and other things have been ruled out, there could be a blockage somewhere and it’s not allowing the semen/sperm to completely pass through the area it’s needing to be.  Blockages could mean cysts, calcifications or other.  And, the only way to diagnosis this is by doing a transrectal ultrasound.  Lucky Zac.  While he’s not thrilled with the idea of having one of these done, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to get answers.  I’m going to attach a picture and I’ve circled the area the doctor is concerned about there being a blockage in.  Zac has this ultrasound scheduled April.  I’m mixed on how I want the results to go.  Part of me hopes there’s no blockages, but then I hope there is so that we finally have an answer of what’s going on.  I have no clue on how they go about fixing this, but I’m sure that’ll be brought up if the US does in fact show something.

The area circled is where the Urologist is concerned there could be a blockage not allowing the sperm to be fully passed through.

The area circled is where the Urologist is concerned there could be a blockage not allowing the sperm to be fully passed through.


Appointment # 2 – Reproductive Endocrinologist – Dr Tatpati, Center for Reproductive Medicine.

Today we had our follow up appointment with our RE.  And, first things first, it was such a good appointment and I’m feeling so much more comfortable with this doctor now.  Back in December the number one thing brought up was my weight.  The doctor is wanting me to get down to a lower number, which I totally agreed with.  Today I was a little reluctant going into this appointment, I hadn’t been trying to lose weight as hard as I could have been and I was preparing myself for a lecture.  Well, to my surprise, I was down 12 pounds! She was totally pleased, almost ecstatic with this number.  It was such a confidence booster and exactly what I needed to keep losing.  I know I can do this.

She also went over my lab results a little from December.  She had my insulin levels checked and I was literally right on the line of being in the mild to moderate insulin resistance range, by like .05.  She did say with the weightloss, I’m most like down in the mild range and with the continued loss, I’ll go down into normal.

We also talked about Metformin a little, I’ve been on a low dose, 500 mg, since December and I seem to be tolerating it well.  I had labs drawn today to recheck my metabolic panel to make sure my liver is tolerating the Met ok, if so, she’ll up my dose, most likely to 1000mg.

All in all, it was a great appointment!  And, the most exciting part, is that she thinks if I continue with the great path of weightloss I’m on, we could be looking at being able to restart treatments in October!!  That I’m most excited about, I’m have a goal to work towards!


I just want to say thank you so much to all of my great supporters!  You all mean so much to me and I’m so deeply touched that you want to follow our journey and are supporting us so much along the way.  Lord knows we need it!

8 thoughts on “Update Update Update!!!

    • Thank you so much, that means a lot! It feels good to be back and hopefully I won’t wait so long between updates this time. I got so excited when the doctor mentioned possibly being able to restart treatments this fall!

  1. I missed your blogs! I’m really interested in knowing the results of your hubbys ultrasound. I never really knew that there could be blockages on the male end of things before. I’m also so pleased to hear that you dropped 12 pounds without really trying. That is great news!

    • Aww, thank you! I agree with you, I would have never of thought about there being a blockage somewhere for the male. I’m really interested to see what the ultrasound may show. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with the great weightloss, I have a great motivator!

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